The boys having fun swinging together! Love how the are both looking at each other in this picture!
Where Our Story Begins

Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Rainy Days
I love love love the rain!! So it has been raining most of this week so I talked Nate into going outside with us to play in the rain before he had to get ready for work! And boy was it fun!!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Curious George
They had a curious George exhibit at the mall in Kansas City. Jace had a lot fun even though he has only watched Curious George a few times.
Todd just being good and so cute!!
He had to sit in the pig pen
He loved George he went over and sat by him and started hugging and giving him kisses!
Love how he just puts his arm around him like George is his buddy!
He loved the farm part!! We went with Marissa and her two kids Brighton and Gracie
He loved the chickens and kept say "quack quack" haha
He put all the animals in the same pen
Todd just being good and so cute!!
He had to sit in the pig pen
I think the golf was one of his favorite things because he got to play with a ball!
He didn't get the concept of hitting the ball into the hole he would just drop it into the holes!
This is how he fell asleep on the ride home. He was a little worn out I guess!!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Splash Park
We were in the Mexican ghetto ha but it was still fun!
Jace didn't really get in the water. I think he was a little scared of it spraying him.
This was the school play ground across the road. Everything was in Spanish it was a little scary being the only whities around.
Best friends
Jace and Todd are such good friends already I can't wait to see there friendship and love for each other grow! When ever Todd hear or see Jace he gets the biggest smile on his face! It melts my heart to see the way the look at each other cause you can see just how much they love each! Whenever Jace hears Todd wakes he runs to him saying "taw taw"(can't say Todd yet so he calls him taw) and when Todd is crying he say "it ok taw shhshhhh". It's pretty much the cutest thing ever! He is such a GREAT big brother! Jace loves to help feed Todd or anyone really. Whenever Todd is laying on the floor doing belly time Jace is right there with him "helping" and doing it with him. He loves to copy Todd if Todd is laying on his back kick or playing with his feet Jace is doing the same thing and laughing at himself! Todd pretty much laughs at everything Jace does which is way fun! Todd is so patient and calm! (I've been super blessed with easy babies!!) Jace will be sitting on Todd, putting toys in his face, poking, and just all around picking on Todd but Todd takes it all like a champ and just sits there or laughs at him!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Jace's Birthday party!!
Singing Happy Birthday to Jace!
He loved his cake! He wouldn't eat his cake without his fork!
Stuffing his face
His birthday cake! He had an aquarium themed birthday this year!!
His personal little cake! He loved all the fish!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The BIG 2!
I can't believe Jace is 2 already I feel like he should still be a baby. I'm so grateful for this kid! He has brought so much joy into my life! There really is never a dull moment with this kid!! He is defiantly an entertainer in our family!! He can turn any sad day around by just smiling! He always uses his smile to try and get him out of trouble and even If so mad when he smiles I can't be mad anymore and i end up smiling and laughing with him! He has so much energy and is always so happy and caring!! Whenever someone is crying(even if it a kid he doesn't know) he always goes up to them and trys to comfort them! Happy birthday buddy!! Love you!!!
This is a picture right after Jace was born !
Here is Jace on his 1st birthday! We were eating breakfast at JB's
Can't believe how much he has changed! ! I have had so much fun raising this kid! I'm one lucky mom!
What Jace woke up to on his birthday!!
Balloons balloons and more balloons!! My jaw hurt from blowing up all these balloons but it was worth it to see him so excited to play with them all!
My attempt at making jellyfish. They turned out lame but Jace thought they were cool so that's all that matters!
He breakfast meal from Denny's! He was so excited that he got to eat a baseball pancakes!!
He must have really liked his food cause he ended up eating it all. Which doesn't hardly ever happen.
Todd just chilling in his seat while we ate at Denny's
Scarfing down some popcorn while watching a movie.
- Eating hid pre-birthday dinner PIZZA
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