Where Our Story Begins

Saturday, August 31, 2013
Corn On The Cob
Today was Jace's first time eating corn on the cob! He wouldn't let me get a picture of him eating it... the punk! But he are about 6 bites of it which I thought was good!!
Friday, August 23, 2013
My Aunt Susan
I got to come help my aunt Susan after her surgery. She had surgery on her neck they had to do an anterior cervical discectomy. So we decided we would come and help take care of her. We really didn't do much just make her food and get her drinks and make sure she gets her pills! She is such an amazing and sweet person! I love her so much and feel like I could tell her anything! So glad I got to spend the day with her!!
My cute boys taking a nap together!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Two Cute Dates!
I know I always say this but it's so true I am the luckiest mother! I have two of the best kids. I love how they both will just snuggle up to me and watch movies!! And I love how when I watch movies with Jace he will randomly put his arm around me or he will give me kisses(it melts my heart)! And Todd is so sweet and such a good baby he hardly ever cries and he just smiles and laughs at everything and everyone! These are just a few of the sweet things these boys do! Anyways we were able to go to the drive-in and watch planes and smurfs 2! We had a lot of fun with my mom and cousin too! Oh and I got to jump start someone for the first time!!! I was so excited to be able to finally use our jumper cables! Jace woke up when I was putting him in the car at the end of the second movie so I had him help me which of course he loved!!
My two cute dates and me! Jace chowing down of the popcorn and Todd wishing he could eat some!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Sleepy Head
Our second night at our new place! I got both boys in the house and then I gave Jace his blanket and went to put Todd in his bed and came back and Jace was already out. Poor boy was worn out!
Little Joys
We went to get at Taco Time and Jace got a kids meal with this little watch thing. Needless to say he absolutely loved it and wanted to wear it all day! He is showing us his watch in the picture ha he is so cute!!
I love how simple things to kids are the coolest! I love how happy and excited they get over things!!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
We got to go down and meet Nate's parent foreign exchanges student from France at the Idaho Falls airport.
Jace was helping hold the sign
(Ryan Boyer, Todd, Lynette, Alison Boyer, Brennan, and jace)
Jace showing Todd the flag!
(Devanee holding baby Todd, Todd, Corentin, Lynette, and jace)
I think it will be fun for Nate's parents to have an change student! And Corey (what we decided to call him) seems really nice! Excited to learn more about him!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
SAMs club run
We went to SAMs and these two got to sit by each other. And I think they are pretty darn cute too!!!
Such a cute little smilie boys!
We invited Brennan and his family to eat dinner with us that night we had steak (which Nate cooked and they were amazing!!), shrimp, and baked potatoes!! It was a success!! We got to play games and enjoy each others company!
(In the picture from left to right Nate, Aspen, Caleb, Cannon, Brennan, Halli, and Jace)
(Todd, Aspen, Cannon, Halli, and Nate)
(Halli, and Nate hold little Todd, and Cannon)
The boys at grandma Humphries's house
I have the best sons in the world and they are pretty dang adorable too!!!
Todd loving his watermelon!
Jace giving Todd some loves! He is such a good big brother! I love how much he loves Todd and will play with him!
I don't know what I would do without these boys in my life! They bring we so much joy!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Cousins Time
Jace and kason (who is only 6 days older) playing in the sand with there dump trucks! Love watching my boys play with there cousins! These two are so dang adorable together!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
We had the Boyer reunion at Nate's parents house in firth. They had so many activities to do! It was a lot of fun! Jace and Todd loved playing in the kiddie pool! Nate and I took turns playing volleyball which was a lot of fun! Oh and my cabbage ball Nate got me for my birthday came today too!!!!! It was so fun to play catch with! We got to play our "choose the right" game in which Adam and Nate almost killed me several times haha but it was so fun!!!
We didn't put swim diapers on them so there regular diapers got pretty full haha and Jace's fell off him while he was running to the dirt hill in the back of the yard. Look at that tan line?
Todd got to play with his cousin karter who is about 4 months younger than him but they are the same size which is so fun!! They are so cute together!
They love to kick there legs
Friday, August 2, 2013
Little bonk
Jace ran into one of the stools at my brothers house. He cut his lip pretty good! It bleed for awhile.
Every time I asked him to show me his mouth he did this face haha he is such a cutie
Swimming Time
We went swimming at the rexburg rapids... And we had so much fun!! We just floated in the lazy river which the boys loved! We went with my mom, Krystal, Jamie, Barrett, Kolter, and Wyatt. We have miss being able to go swimming everyday!
There were tuckered out from all the swimming so they took a nap in the tent at the swimming pool.
After we got done swimming Barrett(on the left) and Jace went and sat down and ate some cookie together. They are so cute together! A guy asked if they were twins ha they could pass as twins!
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