Where Our Story Begins

Monday, March 24, 2014
Have to brag about my little Jace... So last Tuesday was his first time going to the dentist and he did awesome even let them take x-rays of his teeth and they were able to clean his teeth and everything! And today he got 2 cavities filled today and he did awesome didn't cry and is excited to go back tomorrow!! Which I'm so happy about cause for my little 2 year old that loves to just run nonstop to hold still for his doctors appointments is a huge thing!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Family Time
We went for a walk, fished a little, and then built a fire at beaver dick park! It was a fun family night :) love my boys!!!
Monday, March 17, 2014
St. Patrick's Day
I love making treat or meal that revolve around holidays! These are some treat we made for St. Patrick's Day. We also made some lemon lime cookies! But happy St. Patrick's Day!
Most of these just fell apart :(
Saturday, March 15, 2014
A Little Adventure
Today Sean and Chelsea invited us to go "on a little adventure!" We went out by "R" mountain and went for a little ride out in the dessert. Jace loves going off roading! Todd was asleep most of the time I felt so bad cause his head was bouncing around. Nate got to run around while Sean and Chelsea shot him with a paintball gun and then Nate got to chase Sean around with the paintball gun it was fun to watch them.
A Little Something From The Mission
Tonight Nate made us a little something he ate on his mission! I love when he does!! He has only done this twice for me (first time he made these stuff pepper things ha they didn't turn out very good) so I get super excited when he does!
Sinaloa hotdogs- we put ham,bacon, hot dogs, cheese, onions, tomatoes, guacamole, and I put mustard on mine ha
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Backseat Driver
Jace is turning into quite the backseat driver... Our conversation when I was trying to pull out of our driveway....
Jace: mommy car coming!
Me: thanks bud I see them
(After car passes)
Jace: your turn GO GO GO!!!
This kid makes me laugh! He is growing up so fast! He has been such a blessing in our family we are so lucky to have him in our life!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Today we got to get an ultrasound of baby to check to see if baby was breeched (last Monday the doctor said it felt like he was) and at my 20 week appointment my placenta was covering my cervix's so they checked that too. Well baby is no longer breeched!!!! But my placenta is still low and I'm borderline for placenta previa (my placenta is 17 mm from my cervix and they like it to be 20mm). Soon Monday we will talk to the doctor and see what the plan is... The radiologist said my doctor would most likely schedule another ultrasound to keep an eye on it. But we got to see cute pictures of our little man!!! The showed us a front profile of him and his checks were so chubby!!! He is a side profile of our little guy! He is so precious!!! Can't wait to meet this little man!
Monday, March 10, 2014
A Few Yummy Meals
These are a few of Nate and I's favorite meals yummy potatoes aka funeral potatoes and chicken roll things! I made 56ish chicken rolls and 2 pans of yummy potatoes! We froze just over half the chicken roll so we didn't have to eat them all this week! Ha It took me a good 6 hours to make all this (they are both pretty time consuming)! But it was a good productive day so glad the boys took really long naps today it helped a lot!
You could say are bellies we super full and pretty happy :) Hope i can have this kind of motivation right before the baby comes so we could have lots of yummy food to eat!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
My Little Helper
Jace loves to make beds and is always helping me make mine and making his own bed! Today he told me he wanted to make my bed so I let him. Cutest thing ever!!! He didn't do the best job but I know he really tried! He is such a sweet heart:)
Friday, March 7, 2014
I am so thankful for my hubby and that he is a worthy priesthood holder! Tonight he gave me such a wonderful blessing. I am truly blessed to be able to know that my father in heaven loves me and I'm truly blessed to receive so many blessing from him.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Little Lesson
So jace woke up because of a bad dream and came running into our room he went to Nate saying dad dad and then I had him come over to me on the couch(don't sleep much in the bad anymore cause I'm in too much pain) I ask him what was wrong and I could tell right away he was really scared by the sound of his voice and that he was pretty much in tears. He then told me the dinosaur was getting him and that he was scared so I comforted him and had him lay by me and after a few minutes he looked at me and said mommy I'm scared the dinosaur get me and then I would tell him everything was ok and that I had him and that nothing would get him (this happen a couple more times) then Todd woke up and I had Nate get up and go get him. He brought him back and have him to me and had jace lay next to him. He then told Nate that he was scared and Nate assured him it was ok and then I told Nate that we needed to say a pray with him. I really want jace to learn that when he is scared or whatever he can turn to The Lord for comfort. So grateful for the gospel and the power of prayer!! Jace was able to see the rest if the night just fine.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
New Car Ramp
Well my belly is turning into a pretty awesome car ramp now days! Ha love my boys they are my world:)
Not the best pictures but Nate's computer is broken so I can't get any pictures off my camera :(
Monday, March 3, 2014
My Amazing Husband
I woke up at 5 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep I could tell I was super tired but I just couldn't fall back asleep... So of course when Nate got up I started crying cause I knew I was going to be super worn out today and I didn't know how I was going to make it threw the day cause even waking up at 7am I am super tired at 9am and ready for a nap. Nate was so sweet to me and just sat by me and let me cry on his shoulder for awhile he ended up staying home for awhile went to my doctors appointment with me and even missed his first class so he could help me get stuff done. Then when he got home from school he did the dishes so I wouldn't have to and helped pick up the house. I don't think he will ever know how much he helped me get threw this day and how much it meant to me the time and effort he took out of his busy schedule to make my day easier. I love this man so much and my love just contiines to grow for him each day!!
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