Has loves to lay down by Calvin so if he is really good and stay in bed I bring Calvin in with me and we lay down by him. But I just had to get a picture with Calvin laying next to both of them!! These boys are just so precious!!
Where Our Story Begins

Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
My 3 boys!
I realized today that we hadn't took a picture of just our 3 boys yet so we had to take a picture of just them in there diapers so you could see there size differences and cause kids are just so cute in diapers :)
Sunday, April 20, 2014
We had a fun Easter and Easter week! Monday we went to my dads and stepmoms and did an Easter egg hunt and ate dinner! Friday we colored eggs with the boys they had so much fun! Todd kept breaking the eggs in his hand after we colored them ha. Saturday we took the boys to there first community Easter egg hunt. They had so much fun and both got some yummy candy. Later that day we went to grandpa and grandma Williams for egg coloring and an egg hunt! Sunday when the boys woke up we did another egg hunt and gave the boys there Easter baskets! Later that day we went our to my stepmom mothers house for dinner. It was a really good Easter!
Our Easter breakfast! They didn't turn out the way I wanted but oh well. Yesterday we had Easter French toast cut outs the boys loved them!
Our cute little bunnies!!
Easter egg hunt at grandpa and grandma Williams house
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Mommy Todd Date
Nate took Jace fishing so me and Todd went the park and played! Todd is such a happy kid always smiling and laughing! He has the best facial expressions ever!! I love this kid to death and so blessed for the opperrunity I had to just go and play one on one with him I feel like I don't do enough!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Chalk Fun
Such a beautiful day I decided it would be fun to let the boys color outside they both loved it so much!! Love being a mom :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Today is Nate and I 4th anniversary it's crazy how fast time has flown by! I love Nate more and more everyday! Everyday I'm reminded oh lucky and blessed I am to have Nate in my life!! I'm not sure what I would do with out him. I was really never pus about this anniversary cause I have been dilated to a 2 for a week and on Monday I was 70% efface (the day before Todd can I was only at a 3) and I didn't want to have a baby on our anniversary or end up in the hospital again but lucky he didn't come. I felt really bad for Nate cause I woke up super emotional everything was making me cry... Nate was so patient and good to me!! So being super pregnant (37weeks and 2day) we weren't able to do a lot but we still had an awesome day together!! Nate had to go to class and take a final in the morning but was home for lunch then after the boys woke up we took the over to Sean and Chelsea's house. We drove up to Masa Falls and had a great talk and walked around a little still a ton of snow up there so we weren't able to get to the falls! We got to see Captain America 2 which was such a good show! Then we went to Applebee's and ate dinner. Such a fun day!!
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