I never want to forget the size and cuteness of her little hands!! And that cute little face :)
Where Our Story Begins

Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
April 29th
Today our sweet girl is 5 days old! Today was the day we had scheduled the c-section due to her being breeched and then change it to the day my doctor was going to break my water so I could be induced at the hospital! I'm so grateful she came earlier and that I was able to do a successful Vbac.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
My Kiddos
Jace has been a huge help to me since Rylee came home. He is always looking out for his baby sister by making always making sure everybody washes their hands before they hold her and are holding her right. He loves to hold her and would snuggle her all day if you could. He is such a great big brother!
Jace and Todd holding and loving on baby sister!
Snuggling in Rylee's new blanket
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Rylee And Grandpa Humphries
As soon as grandpa walked in Jace had to remind him to wash his hands before he could hold Rylee haha he is such a sweetheart!
Rylee looking at grandpa
My Kiddos And I
Nate wanted a picture of the kids and I ha my man it was a little tricky trying to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time! I am extremely blessed and my heart is so full of joy and love for my little family!!
Monday, April 25, 2016
The Boys And Rylee
The boys holding Rylee at the hospital! They all love there sister so much and all hated especially Jace leaving the hospital and baby sister not being able to go home with them ha. I kept reminding them we would be able to go home soon and Jace would just kiss Rylee's head and say I'm going to miss you Rylee. They are all going to be amazing big brothers!!
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Baby Girl
Woke up around 3:30 with contractions but fell back asleep and woke up an hour later and started timing them just after 5 I went in and told Nate my contractions were pretty intense but 15 apart. They were probably the most painful contractions out of all my kids I had a hard time breathing through them. But we decided to wait until the boys got up and see if they were any closer. When the boys for up we showed them cause they were so dirty and messy from Calvin's party. My contractions weren't any closer so Nate left to go help someone move and I called my mom telling her that I kinda wanted her I thought I was in labor but my contractions were close enough and that if she wanted to come in and sit with us she could but she had to run errands for Alisha. So while I waited I cleaned up the house. By the time Nate got back my contractions slowed down but we're still very painful. So after a bath I went and took a nap. I was having a hard time eating all day and felt like I would puke everytime I ate something but after lunch we all laid down again and when I woke up my contractions were getting a little closer so I ate a little snack and finished getting everything ready for us to leave. Around 4 my contractions were around 10 minutes apart. So I called my mom and she was at my brothers and then was going to run a few errands and then her and my little brother would be back in town. But the got closer between 5-3.5 minutes really quick so at 4 I told her to come over asap. Nate started to panic and said just go up now and I will meet you there when your mom comes but just after that my sister called and let me know my mom was in the way and if she needed to call my dad and have him come she would I figured that would be a good idea. So a few minutes later my dad showed up and was super confused why my sister called and why he needed to watch my kids when Nate was home. It took a few minutes to explain to him that I was in labor and heading to the hospital to have a naiad Nate needed to come haha. So we arrived around 4:30 at hospital I was dilated to 2-3 they said so they called my doctor after 20 minutes of being hooked up to the monitors. After that they did an ultrasound to make sure baby wasn't breeched. After everything looked good my doctor gave them the ok to admit me.
They finally got admitted at 6pm. So then we just played the waiting game. My contractions were all over the place. The doctor came in and talked to us and said he didn't want to start me potocin cause of the risks of complications it would cause due to having a c-section last time. And he said if we ran into any problems they would just to a c-section right away. My doctor came back to break my water and he checked to see how dilated I was (3-4) and he didn't feel her head. I started to cry cause I figured I would need a c-section. They got an ultrasound and found out her head was up by my left hip and her hand was down. So my doctor decided to break my water and try and guide her down so the nurses and doctor were pushing pretty good on my stomach to move her. My Water got broken at 9:30. And then the doctor recommended I get my epidural right away so they sent the anesthesiologist in and I got the epidural just before 10pm. Which was awesome to not be so uncomfortable. At 12:00am we found out heather was heading the hospital. Which we were so excited about our babies sharing a birthday! At 12:45 I was at 5 and 70% effaced. At 1:40 I was still at a 5 my contractions were just minutes apart though. At 2:45 I was dilated to an 8 and 90% effaced. They had to change my sheets cause I was all drenched from a second gush of amniotic fluid. Around 3:30 they called the doctor back to the hospital. I was feeling a lot of pressure but still was having a hard time progress and me pushing wasn't doing much. They found out she was face up and that's why it was taking so long to get her out. When she starting crowning the nurses said oh she has lots of dark hair! I was very excited to have a little girl with some hair!! I ended up pushing for about 50 minutes before she came. When she came out I was relieved to see she wasn't a huge baby! Since the doctor kept telling me I would have at least an 8lbs baby. She was born at 4:50 weighing 7lbs 2oz 19.5 in long on Sunday April 24th! My eyes started watering I was so happy to finally have my baby girl in my arms! I had always wanted a little girl and had a name picked out since I was 12 years old. I even save a little girls blanket I got when I was 13 for my little girl! But I had basically given up on the fact I would ever have one which would have been just fine to have all boys :) The weather that day was Rainy with a high 54 degrees. My delivery nurses were Ashley and Tara (mostly Ashley cause she was being trained) and then Mary and Jessica
We're my other nurses! Mary was the nurse that gave Rylee her bath and did her hair she was a really fun nurse! Rylee's heart rate was up really high in the afternoon around 170-200 until around 5:30. But after she fell asleep it went down to normal so they were thinking she was just overly excited about something and it just took her awhile to calm down. We got to go home Monday after dinner!
Newborn pictures taken at the hospital
Got lots of gifts (swimsuit dresses blanket teething ring tiny bows stuff animal hat and booties)
Last picture of it just being me and the boys! (Right before we headed to the hospital)
Nate was such a great support and helping comfort to me through everything! I'm sure lucky to have this guy forever!!
Our baby girl
Rylee looks so small compared to Nate's hand
Rylee Ann Williams and Charlotte Virginia Williams born 3 hour and 3 minutes apart
The boys holding Rylee at the hospital
One more cause she is so adorable!!
Our sweet little girl being home for the 1st time!
Last Prego Picture
Woke up at 3:30 having contractions and been awake since 4:30 timing them so I wanted to get one last picture before baby came. So this is a comparison of me 37 weeks on the left with Jace and 38 weeks with baby girl on the right.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Happy 2nd Birthday Calvin
Happy birthday to this cutie! Can't believe he is already 2! He has brought so much joy and happiness in our family! He is such a character! He loves everything boy!! He is obsessed with every ball and playing basketball or catch! He loves to tease people especially Todd! He will grab something or knock something out of your hands and run away laughing! He is constantly laughing at himself! He has some of the best facial expressions! He loves to play pretend! Loves to be the monster or bad guy when playing with his brothers! He can be so sweet at times!! Love to give baby sister hugs and kisses goodnight!he is so full of energy and rarely slows down. Loves to watch movies! Say him name "walwin". Does everything his brothers or dad does. Loves to help with dishes. Is such a snugglers. Is obsessed with sucking his thumb. Loves baths. Loves to wear Jace's shoes. His hair is always sticking straight up and I love it!! Loves to do everything in his own. He is a stubborn kid. We love this kid so much and are so grateful he is part of our family and is here with us today.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Last Day As A 1 Year Old
Can't believe my baby will be 2 tomorrow! Two years ago today was the last day I had to be pregnant cause I was getting induced the next day. Boy was I ready to be done!! I was so excited when the doctor agreed told me I could get induced on Tuesday and all I needed to do was call the next day at 5:30 to see if they had room. But I was not prepared for what was to come the next day and I'm so grateful at how much we were blessed and protected by our father in heaven.
The Boys
We decided to change things up a bit and have lunch in the family room and watch the movie home. They had a great time:)
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Swimming At The Hotel
My face is ridiculous looking but wanted to do a belly picture. Swimming at the hotel. 1st time wearing this swimsuit when I was actually pregnant ha Nate also got use water camera for the 1st time he got some videos and pictures of the boys. It was a lot of fun!!
1st Black Eye
Calvin is the first of our kids to get a black eye. Poor kids!! He was on top of the little tikes car while Todd was inside and Jace was pushing them. Jace started spinning the car and Calvin fell off and banged up his eye.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Graduation And Anniversary!
Today this wonderful guy of mine graduated!! I'm so proud of him!! Today is also our 6 anniversary! In those 6 years we have moved 9 almost 10, lived in 3 different states, 3 kids almost 4, too many ER visits, 6 years of school, 4 different jobs between Nate and I, and had 5 different vehicles. These 6 years have had up and downs but I wouldn't want anyone else by myside than Nate! He is such great supporter!! We had a graduation party for Nate with Sean and Chelsea the next day!
The boys did so good sitting through this and loved when they could see dad!!
Sean, Chelsea, Nate's cousin Natalie, and Nate
The diploma ceremony thing
The beautiful flowers he got me
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