Our first little campfire to roast hotdogs! We had so much fun! And it's so nice to be able to do this at our own house!!!
Where Our Story Begins

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Wrist Problems
I ended up making an appointment for my wrist cause it's been bothering me and I thought I might have another cyst on my wrist. And Alisha was needing to go see the same doctor so I told to just come in and see if we could squeeze her in with me and the were able to. Ha so we both ended up having our wrist bandaged up. I got two injection shots cause he thought my pain might be from tendinitis but as he was shots in he confirmed that the other bump is a cyst so we are hoping that the shots help and also help with my cyst. I should notice a difference in a few days. And poor Alisha has to go in for another surgery on her wrist.

New Couches
New couches and rug!! Not the best picture of them but the are grey with a little back on them.
Every time I look at this room and see these couches and rug I can't believe they are ours!! We have never really had anything this nice in our house and I keep thinking how they don't really belong. But we all love them and they are so very comfortable!!! And the rug is seriously the softest thing I have ever felt!! I could sleep on it every day!
Easter 2017
Easter egg hunt and breakfast at the rexburg drive in. It was so dang cold but we had fun!! They had so many things for the kids to do while we waited for our breakfast to get finished.

Happy Easter!! I have thinking a lot about my family and how very important they are to me and how because of the savior I have the opportunity to be with them forever! Also how truly powerful the atonement is and how we need to let the savior into our life so that he can help ease our burdens and sorrows! I have struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life and it is a humbling thing to know that Jesus suffered all I have and more so I don't have to suffer alone and how he is always there for us. We just need to ask and let him help us.