I have been stressing our about this day had Nate give me a blessing a just kept praying for help to know if this would be the right thing for us to do that I could be calm and know everything would be ok. Well Tuesday came and I was so calm I wasn't worried AT ALL(which for me is a miracle).
Jace wasn't able to eat anything after midnight the day of his surgery and would have water, apple juice, or sprite until 9:45. And around 3 he woke up and was thirsty so I took him up stairs and he saw the bag a Cheerios and want them of course I had to say no. I tried to remind him that he had surgery later so he couldn't eat anything. Well on our drive he randomly says nack nack pameeze (snack please) I again had to say no. He then asked for crackers. It broke my heart cause i knew he was hungry and i could let him eat. I tried to take his mind off of his hunger by offering him something to drink. We got him apple juice and sprite (we decided that today we would break our rule of no soda for him and let him drink sprite) but he didn't want either one. He finally drank a little sip of sprite at 8:30ish but would drink anything else.
We had to wait awhile before they were able to take Jace back for surgery. I'm so glad they had toys otherwise it would have made things a hundred times more difficult.
Here is a picture of him playing in one of the waiting rooms!
These are some pictures of his little hospital outfit! This was when they came in to give Jace his pre surgery check up thing. They were so good the PA let Jace play with and use her tools. Jace loved It!

He loved his hospital band! He kept showing it to us and says "it's mine"
Nate and the boys! (Don't mind Nate's crazy face in this picture ha) Todd loved Jace's wristband too :)
Jace showing us where Todd's nose is.
After they have jace his little physical they took us to another waiting room to wait in. Jace played some more then the anesthesiologist came and talk to us andexplained what the side effect of the anesthesia were and everything. They told us that they would come get jace around 12:30 for surgery and surgery should last about 45 min. When they came to get him it was really hard cause we couldn't go back back with him. After the guy took him and they walked into the surgery room the look in Jace's face broke my heart! He looked at us like what's going? on where am I going? And I'm a little scared. Of course I started crying cause I didn't want him to be scared or anything.
Todd while we were waiting for Jace to get out of surgery! Look at that hair... Nate won't let me cut it ha. This was the waiting room for all the people who were waiting for there kids to get out of surgery! It was pretty good dome people had pillows and blankets cause they had been there all night :(
After Jace got out surgery they let me go back he had been out for about 30 min before they let me come back (which was around 1:30). It was sad to see him like this. He was having a really hard time waking up. While we were trying to wake him up I talked to nurse about how he did going into dugery and everything... she said he did really good he did tear up when they put the mask on to put him under (which made me sad he was scared and by himself). When I would try and talk to him you could tell he could hear me but wouldn't open his eyes. But the couple times he did open his eyes it was like he wasn't all there (he would only open his eyes for a few seconds then shut them) I would wave my hand in front of his face but wouldn't do anything just had a blank stare. So after awhile of trying to wake him up and keep his eyes open more than a few seconds I snapped my fingers in front of his face then he opened his eyes and you could tell he was finally awake and coherent. He started to talk a little but he still was so tired. After about 20 min they moved us to the recover room for the day surgeries and Nate and Todd were able to come back and see him!
His insision was a lot bigger then they thought it was going to be cause the cyst had grown a lot more than the expected it would have within the last year. They originally thought it was going to be about half an inch long.
This is in the day recovery room. He was do thirsty when tried to pull the cup away he started crying and grab it and pulled it backed. This made me feel horrible!
He was loving the rootbeer until about 10 or 15 min later when he ended throwing up all over the place! Not sure way I thought it would be a good idea for him to drink a root-beer slushy thing cause he never drinks pop!
Watching TV. He was so good didn't wake up mad or anything from having to be put under which I was so thankful for! We ever got him to smile for us a few times I. The hospital he was loving being able to watch a fish show on tv. This is after he threw up all over himself and his blankets.
So after like 20 min from him throwing up the first time we gave him apple juice he was doing really good they have us our papers to leave but he started throwing up again so they had us wait a little longer. By this time Jace was getting a little mad and he tried to rip his IV out and take the blood pressure thing off. We got him to calm down and leave his cords and everything alone. After we had wanted 10 or so min from him throwing up the last time they had us give him some water he threw that too. So they came back and they gave him more nausea meds. We were able to give him watered down apple juice and he was able to keep it down so after being there an extra 2 1/2 hours we got to be on our way home!!! On our way out of town we stopped at Wendy's to get something to eat right after Nate paid for our food jace started throwing up again all over his clothes new clothes I bought him ha, all over his seat, blanket, and his stuffed animal he got from the hospital from my dad and step mom. So we clean him, his dog, and his seat off as best we could! And when he saw that we got some chicken nuggets he literally ripped the bag from my hands and before I could stop him he shoved to in his mouth and they were seriously gone in two second. The poor kid was starving and so me and Nate decide we were going to give him a couple more cause we left so bad for him I have never seen him eat so fast in my life! I was so worried he would throw up after eat them but he didn't!!! On our way home he complained a little that him head hurt but other than that he was rely good he slept for a few hours on our drive home and we watch spirit the rest if the time. That night when I woke up to give him his meds he was laughing and teased me which was such a relief to me that my boy was still his same old self!!!
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