Belly is huge and I feel like a whale!! Almost 26 weeks. This baby girl is taking after me cause my mom said she got the biggest with me and the doctors kept thinking I was twins!! I'm a little scared about how big my belly is going to get. I've already grown out of most of my maternity shirts and I can only wear maternity pants or stretchy pants cause she is so low!

She is super low already and I can feel her hitting my c-section scar which kinda hurts and feels way weird! I'm constantly cramping and I get these weird charlie horse like cramps in my lower stomach they make it so I can't move for like 20 minutes (I usually end up crying and trying to curl in a ball until they go awe). She is a wiggle worm and her kicks and punches will wake me up at night but but it's worth it!! I'm so excited to meet this baby girl!! I have already gone through the two boxes of girl stuff we got given to us about a million times and they are all washed and sorted!! The bassinet is all set up and I have the bibs and blankets all stored under it! And I have my hospital bag basically all packed ha :) Yup I'm a little crazy but I love preparing and organizing all this stuff before the baby's come!! Oh and I have made a few headbands that I can't wait to have her wear!!
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