Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Monday, December 30, 2013


So the craziest thing happened while we were on our way home from the beach in California. A car was trying to pass another car while going around a sharp corner... Of course the vehicle lost control. It was so crazy! It's was like we were in the movies the screeching tires and all the sparks coming from the car. I grabbed onto Nate's arm (cause we were right behind her) all I could says is "oh no oh no!" As the car started to flip and roll towards us (it rolled about 3 or 4 times before it landed on its tires) and lanes about 15 feet in front of us. I was so scared to look at the car as it landed on its tires and roll backwards off the road cause as we watched it flip you could see everything inside it flying around and I didn't know how people were in the car... if they were dead or live... If I was going to see something I didn't want to see... But I couldn't take my eyes off the car. As she rolled passed Nate was shouting "stop stop stop what are you doing". She was just starting forward with her eyes super wide and hands up. I was relieved she was ok. So I had Nate pull off cause cars were honking cause we had stopped so we didn't hit her or her hit us. And Nate (he had just got done swimming at the beach so he was wet with no shoes or shirt on) runs over to her car to make sure she is ok. I was still panicking in my head cause of how close we were to being part of that wreck and the thought of something happening to my family. Nate was gone for what seemed like forever! He came back for a second to grab his phone so they could find hers. While he was gone a few other people had stopped to help one person had a leaf blower and was getting all the junk off the road and the other guy was helping pick things up and then came over to the girls car to make sure everything was ok. And Nate came back to put his shirt on cause he said he felt way stupid ha. After that the cops and everyone showed up and were questioning Nate cause the girl didn't remember anything and we were the only witnesses of the accident there. When Nate got in the car I asked him about what she had said and everything. He said she was only 16! And when I got up to the car she was like where am? What happened? So I explained to her what happened we tried to find her phone but with no luck she used mine to call her dad and then we called 911. I tried to help her find her shoe cause they flew off during the accident but we only could find one. And she was wearing her seatbelt which I'm pretty sure saved her life!! Later that night the girls dad called and left Nate a voicemail saying how thankful and glad he was we stopped and that his daughter said how calm and everything Nate was and how it really helped her not to freak out. This 16 year girl was very lucky she didn't get hurt at all! And we were lucky enough to be paying attention and that Nate was on the ball and knew what to do! It just makes you think how fragile life!

These are a few pictures of the people getting stuff off the road and the cars backed up and when cars started stopped I could hear more tires screeching which freaked me out cause I didn't want to witness another accident.

This a picture of the girls car! It was pretty totalled!!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Jace and Dogs

Jace LOVES animals! He absolutely adores my sisters dog Mac and is always wanting to see him or talk to him. Well The dog in the picture is Mac's son it's the only one that looks like him out of the litter of puppy he was born in and Jace was so exciting when he he saw him and he calls him "baby Mac!" He is a pretty cute puppy :) and Jace was so happy he got to hold him!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Todd's Birthday

Can't believe our sweet Todd is 1 today he is such a joy in our family!! He makes us laugh so much and is so sweet!

Loving some McDonald's for breakfast

Loving his cake! He had to use a spoon to eat his cake :)

This is Todd in the hospital! He was so tiny!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Todd's First Sucker

Todd had his one year check up today! He is in the 60% for weight and 50% for height! He got a lead test and didn't even cry at all was so good while the lady took his blood. He also got his first sucker today and as you can see he LOVED it!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last Night With Krystal

We went out to eat with my mom and cousin Krystal and then to the movies. Today is the last day my cousin will be living with my mom tomorrow she leave for Oregon to live with her mom and family. It's was sad to say goodbye she has been here for 2 1/2 years.  

Not the best picture but the best picture I could get. We went to see frozen such a cute show!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Santa Again

I took the boys to see Santa again and to get free rides on the carousel.(sorry not the best pictures)

Todd did really good on his first ride on the carousel I thought he would cry or not want to ride on but he stayed on it the whole time!!!

Jace loved the ride on the carousel and was very sad we had to leave. But we were all freezing and had to pick Nate up.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Expo

We took the boys to the Christmas Expo in Idaho Falls. Jace got to decorate a sugar cookie and do a coloring sheet! They both got to get pictures with Santa's reindeer and then with Santa. While we were waiting in line to see the reindeer Jace took off run a lady grabbed him for me before he completely escaped out of the line then he took off running again while we were in line with to see Santa but this time no one grabbed him so I tried to run after him while carrying todd ya not fun at all!!!     

Us with the reindeer 

Boys with Santa 

Jace got to decorate a sugar cookie. When he try's to smile really big he alway closes his eyes silly boy!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Potty Time

So it was a pretty exciting morning for us today Jace went pee and poop on the potty this morning but after that he wouldn't sit back on the potty. I was really proud of him and as you can tell he was too! He kept saying "I did it I did it!!" 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Celebration

We went to the Madison library's Christmas extravaganza Jace had a lot of fun:) We made little candy looking gifts, cookies, and gingerbed houses! Jace had a lot of fun!! Todd had to stay in his seat cause right before we got to the library he threw up all over himself so all I had was one of Jace's shirts and a blanket for him.

Our cookies we made

Jace was having fun making different faces 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 23-30

Well I fell behind pretty good so here are my catch up days!

Day 23- I'm thankful that I get sit down and read with Jace every night! I love to read him books and just have him sit on my lap and us snuggle up in a blanket together right before he goes to bed! Sometimes Todd joins us but he isn't into books a lot yet. But I cherish that time cause not only are we bonding together but he is also gaining a love for books and learning:)

Day 24- I'm so thankful for the little smiles my two little boys give me each day! Those smiles melt my heart and help turn my bad days turn around! 

Day 25- I'm so thankful for such a helpful husband he does so much to help around the house and with the boys! I am so very luck and blessed to have him!

Day 26- I'm thankful for my dad! He is alway willing and trying to help our family out! He does so much for us! He is always working on our cars for free. He is a good grandpa too! The boys absolutely adore him and spending time with him.

Day 27- I'm thankful that I was taught how to work hard at a young age. When my parents got divorced my mom had to count in us a lot more to do things around the house and yard (because she worked two job and at one point two job while going to school). Looking back I see how big of a blessing it was.

Day 28- I'm thankful for heated blankets! They are my favorite and I don't think I could survive without mine!

Day 29- I'm thankful for my esstential oil. At first I thought they were too good to be true and people that used them were nature freaks but seriously now that I've tried them they are amazing!!!! They have helped me and my family so much it's crazy! 

Day 30- I'm thankful for goals! Today I accomplished a huge goal (for me) I finish the Book of Mormon from cover to cover for the first time ( I know it's kinda lame I haven't read it cover to cover before but I'm excited I have finally done it)! Cause im sure if counted reading sections here and there I would have already read it threw but I really want to read it straight threw and I did!!! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

Nate and I had our thanksgiving dinner tonight! We invited Sean to come over and help us eat all of the food:) We had a lot of fun!! This year I decided to try and cook our turkey a little different instead of in the oven I did it in our crockpot and boy it it turn our yummy!! I think this is how I'm going to do it from now on! It was so fun cook a little meal for us and doing our own traditions as a family! I don't think I have ever been so excited to eat the left overs (turkey sandwiches!)! We are beyond blessed in so many ways!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 22

Day 22 I'm thankful that the love I have for my little family continues to grow more and more each day! Just when I think I can't love anymore my Heavenly Father shows me I can :)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Silly Todd

This is how Todd was sleeping today during his nap! He started out laying down then he started moving and need up with his face in the blankets by his feet then he moved into this position haha. I thought it was pretty cute and funny!

Day 19, 20, and 21

Day 19 I'm thankful that I have been able to do a few things on the side to make some money for our brother in laws wedding!

Day 20  I'm thankful that Nate and I got to go on another date this week! That is 2 dates in one month pretty sure that's a record for since we had kids!

Day 21 I'm thankful I'm thankful for family history! I love doing family history work (don't do it as much as I should but I love it!). I love learning more about them!

Monday, November 18, 2013

My First Car

Today we sold my old car... It was bitter/sweet. Lots of memories in that car. The car was original a light blue but was very spotty so my dad thought he would paint it white ha (I tried to convince him to paint it black but he said white would look better). I was so excited to get a car I didn't care what it looked like cause it was mine:) The first time I met Nate we were driving in my car and Nate was making fun of me cause I duck taped something that was falling off back on the bottom of my car. I have  driven my car since just before me and Nate got married cause we upgraded to a Honda civic!

Bragging Moment

So I just have to put this down for the record... I beat Nate in the wall sit!!! That's right I wasted him! I did it for 3 min and Nate was only able to do it for 1min and 32 seconds. I'm pretty proud of myself cause I can NEVER beat Nate in anything that has to do with sports or strength.

Day 18

Day 18 I'm thankful for my mom is so willing to babysit for us. She is always so good about babysitting for Nate and I when we need her to on her day off. She has saved us a lot of money and stress.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Jace Being Sneaky

So today Nate was reading and when he got up and wasn't looking Jace took his book and put it away with our other books. This is how it happened It was the funniest thing- a few minutes after we had put jace down for his nap Nate realized his book was gone. At first he thought I had taken it. So we searched for about ten minutes then I said are you sure Jace didn't take it? We both started laughing cause we were pretty sure he had. Jace tried to come out so Nate darted in to act like he was going to put him to sleep but he was really just trying to find his book then he asked Jace where it was... But I had him get out so Jace could sleep and as soon as I walked out I saw it on our shelf ha

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bath Time

They both wouldn't look at me at the same time ha the little stinks! Sure love these boys:)

Seriously never a dull moment with these munchkins :) they both LOVE bath time! They just splashed and giggled the whole time they are in the tub!

Just a little video of the two cutie!!!!