Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 53

Calvin's blood work coming back normal! Got the call this morning and it was such a relief because I have been stressing about it so bad. The doctor said is very rare for the PKU test to come abnormal so that is why they were so worried about but whatever it was it fixed its self. Glad my baby is healthy:)

Day 52

Being able to be a mommy it's tough somedays but the most reward thing I do:)

Day 51

Date night 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 50

Todd was sad so I stopped folding laundry and held and jace came up and was really concerned that he was dad and wanted to try and comfort him and so he said me if he could hold Todd and when I told him he could give him a hug he kept saying "I got you Todd it's ok" while he held hugged him :) these kids melt my heart

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 49

Watching Todd eat a lemon :)


Took Calvin into get some more blood work done cause his thyroid is low.

Got poked on both feet and his arm. His vain kept rolling in his arm so the nurse was drigging the needle around in his poor arm :( I wanted to cry watching cause he was crying and I know how much it hurts to have them dig the needles around. He was a trooper though and only really cried when the nursed was digging the needle in his arm.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 48

Being able to nurse Calvin. Since being sick my milk supply went way way down and for a few days straight I had to give a bottle (just 2oz) to Calvin but today I didn't have to :)

Todd and Calvin

Todd loves his baby brother and is very protect of him! Today when we went outside a lady stopped and was talking to us and started talking about Calvin and Todd I think was a little worried cause he put his arm over Calvin and just follow the lady with his eyes until she left like she was going to get Calvin or something. And whenever people get to close to Calvin he always runs over to his side and make sure everything is ok:) 

He kept saying "gotch you"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Calvin 3 months

He is just the cutest thing and we just can't get enough of him!! He is now 14lbs 4oz and 24 1/4 inches tall

Day 47

was having a rough day and I had just got done feed Calvin and was just sitting on the couch staring at nothing when I hear Jace say "I love you mom!" Me: "love you too buddy" Jace: "love you more mommy" pretty sure I have the sweetest boy in the world!!! These kids melt my heart and bring me such joy!! They can always cheer me up!!!

Day 44, 45, 46

Haven't been reporting my 100 days of happy the last few days I have been pretty sick with a stomach bug but I made sure even if I didn't blog I thought about what made me happy each day:)

Day 44- Nate stayed home from work to take care of the boys and they went to get lunch after the movie and Jace didn't want to stay and the pizza cause he said I needed to eat too and they needed to bring me home pizza. When they got back he was so excited to get me a piece of pizza ha and everytime he took a bite he would ask again if I wanted one

Day 45- that Nate has been helping taking care of the boys while I have been so sick.

Day 46- last Monday we started potty training and Jace has done so well he had an accident on the first day and third day but has done great ever since :) He usually always wakes up dry at nap time and is starting to at night too!! He even get on and off the toilet all by himself which is so nice when I'm nursing. And monday was the first time he didn't ask to have his diaper on so he could go potty in it:)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 43

Playing in the rain with the boys we were running around then all of us presided Calvin jumped into the pool:) we all had a blast!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 42

Got Calvin to laugh way hard for the first time today! Cutest thing ever!! Tried to record it but as soon as Nate started recording he stopped laughing hard. Not really sure what made him laugh I was trying to feed him and he wasn't really eating then he just started laugh hysterically :) 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 41

Jace went poop in the toilet today and he came in the kitchen to got me to show me and when I got in there and looked he told me we needed to take a picture ha maybe I take too many pictures :)

Calvin's 1st Hair Cut

It was a bitter sweet moment giving calvin his 1st hair cut cause I having been wanting to cut Calvin's hair for a few weeks now cause it was crazy long and out of control ha but after we cut it I was way sad and a little in shock cause it was a lot shorter then I expected it to be. His hair was probably a good 3 inches and we cut it down to an inch. 

Before- it would alway stand straight up no matter I did to get to stay down ha and I would alway tilt to the side because of his cowlicks on the back of his head 


Day 40

Is watch and listening to Todd and Jace play pretend its the cutest thing in the world!!! Today they we running all around the house from something and then I kept hearing Jace say get it "toddley" ha then Todd would act like he got caught something in his hands and the day "got it" then they run some more then I would hear Jace saying to Todd hurry Todd it's going to get you ha these 2 are such character and great friends!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 39

Watching this cute boy sleep! I love just looking at my boys while they sleep they are just look so peaceful and heavenly!! My heart is just full of so much love and joy because of my boys!!

Tan Lines

Look at these TAN LINES!! These little boys are such cuties!

Day 38

This kid! He is such a happy giggly kid! And can always make me laugh and smile!! This is his "cheeesse" face :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Date Night!

Nate and I got to go on our first actual since Calvin was born tonight! We went and watched transformers. So thankful to brad and brittney for watching Jace and Todd so we could go!!!

Day 37

Getting to see pictures of my new niece Keslie Marie Humphries!! She was 
born July 11 at 5:14 weighing 7lbs 
4 oz 20 1/2 inches long! She is the 
first girl on my side of the family:) 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Nature Walk

We went to a nature center here and it was so much fun and so beautiful!! The boys were in heaven with all the bugs and animals we saw :)

While we waited for Nate to get off the phone the boys and I looked at the turtles 

There were so many turtles

The boys got to pet a snake

Jace wanted dad to help him ha

We saw little frog on our walk jace kept wanting Nate to catch it with his hands 

Free Food

We went to chick fil a today and dressed up like cow to get some free meals!! It was a lot of fun:) These 3 have got to be the cutest cows ever!!!

Jace mooing ha 

Day 36

My sweet Jace giving me hugs and telling "it's ok mommy I got you... Don't cry" he is such a loving little boy and us always trying to comfort people when they are sad

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 34

Jace, Calvin, and I took a morning walk while daddy and Todd slept in a little bit:) Jace loved smelling the flowers!!

Day 35

Calvin sleeping from 9pm- 6am 2 nights in a row!! Yep it's pretty much amazing:)

Day 22

Pictures from the mall

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 32

Todd kept sticking his finger in Calvin's mouth so Calvin would start sucking on it and Todd would starting giggling then pull it out then stick it back in and starting giggling so cute and funny to watch

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Boys

The boys and I just hanging out outside while daddy took a nap! Todd kept running away so he had to stay in the stroller for a bit so he wasn't too happy in these pictures ha

Day 31

On our way to church Todd feel asleep so me and Nate decided that it would be better to Todd leave asleep so he wasn't way cranky. So I took Jace in with me and Nate stayed in the car with Todd and Calvin. When they were passing the sacrament I was explain to Jace what it was and meant and when I finished Jace replied "that's awesome!" It was so cute!!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July

4th of July!! We didn't do much since Nate worked most of the day. But the boys did get to lite sparklers but I missed it cause I was feeding Calvin :(

My little boys and I!!

We had popsicles out on the balcony Jace had to help feed Todd ha 

Calvin in one of his other 4th if July outfits