Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Friday, October 24, 2014

Jace's Soccer Team

We were able to put Jace in soccer this year and man has it been fun to watch him!!! He is so competitive! He loves to push everyone even his own team out of the way to get the ball. He has even stepped on people's shoes and pulled on there shirts just to get to the ball first. At one of his games he pushed someone and when they fell he shoot haaahaaah way load. It's all about winning for him. When he scored his first game he jumped up and pumped his fist in the air saying score for Jace!! He is so fast and does pretty good about kicking the ball! It makes me so proud to watch him :) Nate says I am way loud and I have to admit I have got caught up in the game for a min or two! 

Jace and his team



How cute is that baby ctr ring? It is off a necklace I got a long time ago and thought it would fit but nope maybe it would have fit when Calvin was be

Sunrise with Todd

Picture of the sunrise in bear lake :) Todd woke up at 5 and we couldn't get him to go back to sleep so we were enjoying ourselves outside snuggled up in a blanket watch the sunrise.


I was getting the other 2 boys in the car and told Jace to get in his seat and start buckling himself up and then I here him say "all done!" He had gotten in the front seat and buckled himself in :)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Brother Time

These boys absolutely adore Calvin and enjoy playing with him and holding him all the time!! They are always comforting him when he is sad and always trying to make him laugh! He is a lucky boy to have such amazing brothers! And I know Calvin already thinks the world of his brothers:) 

They were having a blast in Calvin's bed with him

Little Cowboy!!

Our cute little cowboy Todd! He was a little unsure about his hat.