Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Monday, July 29, 2013


It's so nice to be back in Idaho oh how I have missed it here!! It's funny how the little things like the feel of grass, taste of water, and the smell of the fresh air now seem so huge! I'm so glad that when I walk outside I don't feel like I'm in a laundry mat!

Todd in his new hat!

Jace wanted a picture in Todd's hat too!

I know this is blurry but I love it anyways! This is Jace and Todd with two of my brothers boys Barrett and Kolter in the bath. They had way too much fun in the bath together!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mommy Trip

So me and my friend Marissa Williams decided to drive to Idaho with our kids! She has 2 kids a 3yr boy and 1 1/2yr girl. So I was glad that she drove most of the time and I got to just take care of the 4 kids! we headed out at 5 in the morning on Saturday it was hard leaving Nate! But the night before Nate gave me a blessing which was so great and such a comfort to me I know my heavenly father loves me and my family so much!!

Here are so pictures of our trip

Todd and I... Love this boys smile!!

Jace and his dirty face

Playing at the park we stop at in Nebraska about 2 or 3 hours from Sidney    

Gracie and Brighton (jace in the background trying to take the bike)


Jace had to try and help push 

He is such a rough guy and a cute boy!

We spent the night in Sidney, Nebraska with my old friend Sarah. R.J. is only 6 days old then Jace so they have always been really good buds! R.J. had to show Jace and I he could sit on the toilet like a big boy! Jace kept trying to hand him toilet paper and R.J. "would its not a toys" haha

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jace's Little Scare

Today we went and played water ballon volleyball. We had so much fun with the other people here! Afterwards we went swimming in the pool with everyone. We forgot Jace's floaty so Nate was holding him then he sat him down beside me and grabbed Todd. I thought jace was by me but it was one of the other lady's sons... I was laughing with the other lady's saying I thought bentlee was Jace I guess I should make sure I'm watching the right kid. Right as I said that I see Jace jump in the water and start to sink I panicked and yelled Nate (cause he was right by him) as I jump in after him! Scariest thing ever I can still picture in my mind him kicking so hard under the water as he is trying to get above the water! This happened within like 5 second no joke but when it happened everything seemed to go in slow motion. I was shaking so bad just holding Jace after i pulled him out of the water. I was hugging him so tight and making sure he was ok! I know we are so lucky that nothing happened to him today! The Lord was watching out for him today!! To make things worse Saturday night (so 3 days ago) a friend from high schools 2 1/2 year old son drowned in a ditch. So I have been freaking out about something happening to these boys! And crying and loosing sleep over the thought of something like them drowning these last few day! But I am so grateful that Jace is ok!! He didn't really learn his lesson though cause he kept trying to swim without his floaty. He is going to give me a heart attack for sure!!
After we got home Nate gave Jace some food and told him to go get his blanket ( he has this weird obsession that he has to rub his blanket or any fabric really on his mouth as he eats) A few minutes later Nate says I guess he fell asleep. We found him at the top of the stairs on the laundry asleep!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arts and Crafts

I babysat another lady's kids while she was in the hospital and her husband was out selling for a few hours! I looked up some easy crafts to do with kids a decided to do this craft!
All you do is color on the paper plates and either stick outside when it's raining or use a spray bottled ( I just used a spray bottled)
Here are the other ones we did! The kids had so much fun

Jace coloring

Friday, July 19, 2013

Backyard Fishing

As soon as Jace gets up in the morning all he wants to do is go outside! So today when we were outside he wanted to play with the finishing poles.

So here they are acting like they are fishing! Jace kept saying "fish fish fish"

Todd had to get in on the fishing action too!
These 3 boys are pride and joy!! Love them so much!!!

This makes Nate a proud dad to know his sons already like fishing!! Jace loves copying everything Nate does its so cute how he looks up and wants to be just like dad! I'm so grateful that Nate is a great role model for our boys!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Drive-In Movie

I love going to the drive-In it's one of my absolute favorite things! We had the opperutity to go as a family in Kansas! There were well over 200 cars that came which was insane!

Nate hates how I'm always taking pictures but I love being able to look back at pictures and the memories they hold! I know later on he will be glad I took so many pictures! Until then we will hear "do you really need to take a picture"  a few more times :)

Jace is "really mom another picture" face

We watched despicable me 2

The second movie was Lone Ranger we didn't stay for it all cause it was a really long movie and we didn't want to be until  4 in the morning.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Todd's first sippy cup

So I bought Todd his first sippy cup last week and decide to give it to him today!

He was a little unsure what to think about it!

His "what is this?" Face

Animal Farm Again and Again

Little bears at the animal farm in Overland Park Kansas. 

The boys love the animal farm! and its free during the week so it fun to go! We got to feed the fishes and a turtle today! It was so much fun! We also got to see a snapping turtle! It was pretty big! I got to make the boys some bear ears which I think they look cute in.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ant Invasion!

So our house has sooo sooo many ants everywhere! I can not leave any kind of food out for more than a couple of hours or they are right there by the thousands. I have had to throw away a few things cause they have snuck into my cupboards and gotten into my food they have been all around the syrup lid they seriously get into everything! At first I could keep them out with the peppermint but now I think they are too use to it. So Jace was driving his cars on the floor in the kitchen when I hear him start crying and say bite bite bug. So I run over and he is holding his foot and he say bite bug (he calls ants spiders flies and insect really a bug) again and sure enough they were all over the floor where he was. And I seriously just got done cleaning the kitchen. So I took his car and smashed a few. Jace got excited and grab his car and started driving over all of them trying to kill them ha