Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Family Fishing

We went to Beaver Dick park just after breakfast for a few hours. We all caught fish and the boys caught crawfish and other little water critters. Nate joked around about it being like a kiddie pool caught we kept so many fish ha. It was so fun watching the boys fish.

Jace was scared to hold the bass he caught.

Todd and his fish

Rylee next to the fish I caught

My very first fish I ever caught 

My baby girl and I 

Calvin's fish and him getting ready to let it go

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Rylee is turning into such a thumb sucker which I have tried to stop but she is very adamant on suck on her thumbs. 

Sweaty curly hair 

Sunday, July 17, 2016


This kid may test his limits all the time but he is always able make everyone laugh. He is such a cutie!! I love my little Todd! So thankful I get the chance to be his mom and learn from him... even if some days I feel like he might be too much for me to handle.
Don't mind the laundry everywhere I was in the middle of folding laundry when I had to stop and feed Rylee and of course my 3 cute helpers decided to try and help and things got a little crazy as you can see ha

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Our Lizard Friend

Nate has been catching lizards and let the boys play with them in there you room. And today the lizard got smart and run under the door into the dinning room. I was freaking out a little but luckily I have some good lizards catcher that were able to grab him. The boys have so much fun having the lizards crawl on them.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Rylee's first pigtails and I just can't get over the cuteness!!
I had to run to the store for a few last minute things for a baby shower at Walmart before Nate left for work (6:30am run to Walmart). And I finally remembered to buy these little elastics. So when I got home I couldn't wait to try them out and this is one of the first things I did when I got home. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Poor Little Calvin

This kid woke up with a very stiff neck and could barley move his neck at all. It was the saddest thing to watch him try and turn his neck and then start bawling and continue to say "ououch neck hurt". And all he wanted was to be held all morning. He let us rub it a little but it was very sensitive. Luckily we were able to put some deep blue rub on it and it helped loosen it up a little so he wasn't in so much pain. But when Nate had to get ready for work Calvin was pretty sad cause he wanted to be held still and I  was feeding Rylee so Nate set him up in a comfy spot and tried to support his neck so he could relax.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Baby Lizard

Some of the kids best friends! Anslee and Bentlee posing with Jace and Todd and the baby lizard they caught.

Bentlee trying squeeze himself in the picture ha

This little guy was so tiny!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Free Food

I was so dang excited to go and get some free meals at Red Robin. They were trying to training all the employees so a few days before opening up the offered free meals. And they did not disappoint with the food! We got some amazing pretzel bits, Nate and I got burgers, and pizza and chicken strips for the boys.

Monday, July 4, 2016

4th Of July

Holidays are so hard out here cause I always miss having family and Nate around(Nate usually get home around 7 on holiday). But we got some pictures and were able to set off fireworks together which I'm am grateful for!

I have such a cute family!

Thanks to an awesome friend (Holly this women has been a huge blessing and support to me this summer) that shared there fireworks with the boys so they could have a some extra fun celebrating the 4th!

Hollys husband brad handing out sparklers to everyone's kids

My 4 little fire crackers!

Rylee's 4th of July dress she wore on Sunday and I have got to say she is just the cutest little thing!!

This is a picture from two year ago and jace and I are wear the same exact outfits haha

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Rylee's Hair

Little miss Rylee is super excited about being able to have a clip in her hair! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Life With A Baby

One of my most favorite things in the world are baby snuggles!! I love falling asleep with my babies and just holding them while they sleep. She was having a hard time going to sleep and staying asleep so we feel asleep together so we both could get in a quick hour nap before the boys woke up.

So peaceful and content! I just love how dependent she is on me and how I am basically her whole world right now :)

My Big Helper

Jace is such an amazing helper!! Whenever Rylee wakes up or is sad he always wants to hold her and comfort her! Tonight he helped hold her so I could finish up cook dinner. She is very lucky to have such an amazing big brother and I very blessed to have such a great help and son!

He just adores her

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Toddler Todd

Todd caught this lizard all by himself!! He was so proud of himself!! And I was pretty impressed.

Crazy hair! It was very hot outside so to keep this a little cool we drenched him with water! He loved I and asked me to please take his picture :)

Love this kid to pieces! Love how love able and squishy he still is!! Lately he has been going through a stage that has been super frustrating and hard. He has these power struggles with us where he will not do what we ask and will do the opposite. He is a very stubborn kid so when I tell him he can't have or do something he will not let it go for hours ha. If we ask him to do stuff it usually has to be on his time or it needs to be his idea. I sure hope this phase doesn't last too long. But until then at least he is still super and has his sweet moments to make up for the hard times! 

Saturday, June 25, 2016


We all went bowling with a few of the summer ADT kids. Yep Calvin beat everyone and he is the youngest ha. It was pretty crazy bowling with so many kids but we all had fun!

Kids dancing at the bowling alley

Friday, June 24, 2016

Summer Days

We love spending our summer days at the pool. Jace has been doing very well swimming. While we are at the pool he wanted me to take a picture and said "mom I am flying". Jace has been doing very well this week swimming without a floaty on at all. I am very proud of him.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Fun Times

The boys had so much fun with the baking soda and colored vinegar but after about 20 minutes Calvin and Todd started throwing in and put it all over in there hair ha. Then after I got it all cleaned up they went back outside cause it was raining and got the porch and themselves complexly muddy in the time it took me to pop popcorn and pull there two mattresses out to our front room (like 10 minutes). So then I showed them off and spent a good 20 minutes spraying down the porch walls and our doors to remove all the mud haha I think I learned my lesson.

Me and Rylee mostly just watched from the window so she didn't get any more heat rash. Poor girl has been a champ about the heat and doesn't hardly ever complains about being outsides in this heat.

Love her little smiles

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Why Do They Grow Up So Fast?

As I sit and hold Jace I can't help but cry cause this sweet little boy is growing up way too fast!! And I want to soak it all up as long as I can cause I know in a blink of an eye they will be grown up! This use to be our little nightly routine of him falling asleep in my arms and I can't help but miss those days! I just want time to slow down and these little kids to not grow up so fast! I'm am so very lucky to be a mom and grateful for these precious kids I get to raise!! 

My sweet Jacers!! I'm sure going to miss these days! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Smiley Girl

This little lady is so smiley all the time! I just love this happy girl! She loves being talked to and always gets the biggest smile on her face when some talks to her!

Her double chin

Crazy hair!!