Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Little Preschooler

Can't believe Jace is old enough for school!! I left a little piece of my heart behind when we left Jace at preschool! It broke my heart to see how sad Todd was to not have his best friend at his side!! Todd hated leaving Jace at school and was very mad at me that it took us so long to pick him up. I think he at least asked to pick Jace up 30 times in the 2 hours he was gone! I have cried a lot thinking about how our days of it just being me and my boys just hanging out all day doing whatever we want have come to an end. Don't get me wrong though I'm excited for him to start this next chapter in his life!! He has been dying to go to school so when the day finally arrived he was so excited and wasn't even scared or sad. I know he is going to have so much fun in preschool. 

He was all smiles 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Calvin Roasting Marshmallows

Calvin wanted in on the marshmallow roasting fun!! He thought it was the funniest thing ever!! He was so proud of himself too!! I think he is the cutest little Marshmallow roaster!!

This isn't the best picture but I think it's so cute!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Parade Fun

Ha this picture makes me laugh :) I love these boys to pieces!! We all had so much fun at the parade and got way too much candy!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My 3 Little Boys

It's been so nice outside lately that I decided to take the boys on a walk to get some kiwi loco and play at the park while we waited for Nate to get done at school! These boys are such a blessing to our family and I don't know what I would do without them!! They are the cutest!!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Mustard Fun

As a little boy Nate's dad use to feed him spoonfuls of mustard so he thought he would keep the tradition going I guess. Calvin was loving it too!!

Friday, September 4, 2015

A Few Pictures From Our Trip Home

We loved being able to see and stay with all Nate's sister! We miss them all and had so much fun with each of them!! Them made our long trip home so much more enjoyable!!

Brittnee's family moved from Firth a few weeks before we got back which we are excited for there new adventures but we will miss them dearly! They are all so sweet and just great examples!!

Isn't this the sweetest thing!!

Jace and his cousin Kason are only 6 days apart and we're best friends from the beginning! When they moved away it was so hard!! We hadn't seen them for a year and half needless to say it was a much needed visit!! I loved see Jace and Kason pick up like they had never been apart!! (Jace and Kason both 4 and Todd, and Karter both 2)

We loved spending quality time with the dean family! It's hard to spend good quality time with them when the visit cause it's usually pretty busy with everyone's families around at the same time! We had a blast with them and getting to know them better!!

Started our trip home with going to the duck dynasty shop!!