Where Our Story Begins

Where Our Story Begins

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 23

I built a fort for the boys and I today! We watched movies in it and ate snacks and took naps in it:) Had a lot of fun in it!

Calvin and Todd were out just after the movie started but when I stuck Calvin in there with us he wouldn't stop smiling ha 

Day 24

These cool dudes!! Today for church Nate did his and all 3 boys hair in sweet combovers!! 

Todd kept taking his glasses off and on when I would try and take a picture 

Friday, June 27, 2014


Todd rode on the carousel for the first time today he was a little unsure and scared at first:) Jace got scared when we weren't by him while he was on the horse but he had so much fun and kept making horse noises and saying yeeha!! 

Jace had to ride on the spirit horse :)


Jace put on my baby carrier and can running to me saying mom I'm superman ha  he had to show me his muscles too

Day 21

This cutie love being able to snuggle with him and watch him sleep

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


So Calvin has been suck on this thumb lately and the other night when I heard him suck on his thumb I pulled his thumb out and he got the biggest grin on his face like he knew he wasn't suppose to be suck in his thumb!

He does look super cute sucking on his thumb though:)

Day 20

Jace being able to go to "work" with daddy:) Lately Jace has been really wanting to go to work with Daddy so today Nate had to go get a signature from a guy so he took Jace out with him! Jace was so dang excited to go with daddy!! 

Day 19

This kid woke up with the craziest bedhead after his nap these pictures don't do it justice... It was awesome!!!

It was slicked back all along the side of his head and then sticking straight up on top of his head and straight out on the back of his head

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 18

Is how hard Nate works to provide for our family and makes it possible for me to be a stay at home mommy!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Todd 18 Months

Can't believe how grown up Todd is now!! Here are a few things about Todd: He loves to jabber and talk. Loves to do everything Jace does!! He loves to kiss on Calvin! Loves to give kisses and hugs! Started getting his molars :( Love meat!! Loves swimming and isn't afraid of the water at all! Love to watch movies and eat popcorn! Loves to catch and hold bugs!! To have the cutest waddle run ever!! Just smiles when he is doing something he shouldn't be and continues to do it until I go get him! Is 28lbs  32 1/2in tall

Day 17

Being able to go to the Pensacola beach today :) So fun and beautiful 

Day 16

Waking up with these two cuties

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 15

Was being able to eat popcorn and watch a movie while snuggling with my 3 little boys:) They are my world!! I love each so much and I'm so grateful I get to be there mommy!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 14

Jace caught a baby fish and brought it home so we put it in our apple juice jug. It was already dead by the time they got home but Jace has loved just looking at it and talking to "his fish" and shaking his fish around. And when I told him it was time for bed he asked if he could take his fish with him ha

Striving To Do Better

I love this talk!! It is so important that we show our children that they are worth our time and that we do care more about them then being on our phones, computer, or whatever it is!! Nate and I lately have made it a goal from 8am - 8pm we don't mess on our phones unless all the boys are asleep :) we still can text or make calls but that's all. It has made a huge difference even though we weren't always on our phones we still were on them more than I think we should have. I feel like we are closer as a family and we are able to give our boys the time and attention they need and want!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Jace got himself dressed today and wanted me to take his picture haha he cracks me up!

Hair Problems

So Calvin has always been kinda bald the first like inch or so of his hair line. So I always tried to kinda cover it up so he didn't look like an old man that was going bald ha! But now his hair is starting to finally grow in and doesn't look so funny!

He is so smiley I love it!!
Almost time for a haircut :)

Day 13

This package my sister-in-law Nicole sent us! She is so sweet and thoughtful!! She is always thinking of others and such a loving person!! I love her and her family so much and I'm so grateful for them:) 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 12

What made me happy today was being able to play volleyball and soccer! I over did it a little today but it was so fun! And man I am out of shape. But I was very grateful for the last 45 min or so Nate held Calvin so I could play some more:) He is such a sweet and amazing husband!!

Day 11

How great of a big brother Jace is!! He is always wanting to help take care of Calvin and Todd! You can tell he loves both of his brother so much and they love him!! I know these 3 are going to be such good buddies:)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 10

Being able to talk to my dad for Father's Day. I found this picture today of us it's the only picture since my wedding I have of just us. I love my dad so much and I could talk to him about anything! I am like my dad in many ways! But I am so grateful for him and the help he has give to me and my family!! Since I have been married my dad has talked a lot to me and my older brother about how important it is to make our marriages work and try everything we can to not get divorced and make the same mistakes he did. Which I'm so thankful for :) I love my dad so much and even though he has made his fair share of mistakes I'm proud to be his daughter! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

For Father's Day we took Nate on a swamp tour! Such a fun time:) We had the best seats and we were always right by the action! Sean and Chelsea came with us which was fun!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Milk Jug

I love how simple things like an empty milk jug can be so entertaining!! They were kicking and hitting it all over the kitchen floor!

Summer Family

Look at all these cute kids! It's so fun to get together with the other mommys and there kids! The boys get along so well with them all and Jace is always asking to play with them! They were all sitting so quietly watching the movie Free Birds

While the boys were playing Jace somehow hit his head on the framing around the door. Poor kid got the biggest goose egg right away! (Not the best picture)

Day 9

Being able to take naps and sleep next to this sweet baby until Nate get home at night! I love just watching babies sleep they look so perfect and peaceful!! 

Day 8

All the friends the boys have out here

Todd's Lizard

Todd is so much like Nate when it comes to catching things... Jace had Nate caught a lizard and so the boys were looking at it thinking it was so cool. After a few minutes he tried to get Jace it hold it but Jace didn't want to hold it (he is like me in that aspect) but Todd was more then happy to grab it. He was actually pretty careful and soft with it (It actually bite Todd too but he didn't notice ha)

Todd trying to show me the lizard

He was so impressed with himself 

That poor lizard they would let it go then Nate or Todd would catch it again. After about 15 minutes of them holding it then letting it go then catching it I had Nate go put it where the boys could get it they were a little sad to see it go.

Friday, June 13, 2014